Belle Rose Farm

Care & Clean

The following guidelines will provide steps for the care and cleaning of Lithophane.

Handling your Night Light: Please make sure to handle your nightlight by the plug in base only. DO NOT attempt to plug or unplug your lithophane night light by holding the lithophane panel!

Handling and Care of your Porcelain Lithophane: Porcelain is an amazingly hard and durable material. A porcelain piece can last literally 1000 years if handled properly. However, it is rather brittle, and as such it must be handled with care. Think of it as a thin piece of glass, since porcelain and glass are actually quite similar.

Cleaning: Surface dust can be simply blown off, or you may use a feather duster. Since porcelain is nonporous, it can be cleaned with any common household cleaner. Glass cleaner will work fine. You may be surprised to find that doll makers sometimes use abrasive cleansers to polish the surface of doll's porcelain head when they make them!

Night Light: Of course, unplug the nightlight first. Support the panel from behind as you gently wipe the surface.

Petite Lamp : It is best to remove the porcelain shade from the base before cleaning.

Table Lamps and Luminaire: It is not necessary to remove the shade before cleaning. Do use one hand to support the panel from behind as you gently clean with the other hand.

CAUTION! As with any other electrical device, unplug your lamp or night light before using any cleaning fluid on it, and be careful not to get any liquid on the light bulb or in the socket!


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